
The Chicago Community Trust Outstanding Community Plan Award

The Chicago Community Trust Outstanding Community Plan Award recognizes the development and successful implementation of a community plan or strategy within Cook County that improves quality-of-life or addresses a specific need, opportunity or issue through a comprehensive planning and implementation model.

Comprehensive planning is an integrated approach to place-based development, coordinating efforts to achieve maximum benefits. It creates goals and objectives for multiple interrelated elements that make a community livable and prosperous for everyone, and engages diverse stakeholders in its creation, ownership and implementation.

Applicants will be evaluated on leadership and innovation; stakeholder engagement in planning and implementation; partnerships at the local and citywide levels as appropriate; short and long-term impacts of the plan; prioritizes the needs of disadvantaged communities; and demonstrated improvement or change in the community’s physical, social and economic infrastructure as a result of the plan.

Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations and government entities.

The Award is $15,000.